No Room for Dumb Logger Mentality

Cool Bay Logger, Tony Meline

Cool Bay Logger, Tony Meline

Scott Starkey of Coos Bay recently wrote a great letter to the editor. He was responding to an earlier letter that read:

Oregon’s South Coast economy has been based on ‘extraction’ of natural resources; there has been no need for more than a high school education (if that) in order to make a reasonable living. Those days are over, but developing an intelligence based alternative has never materialized. The result is a broadly ignorant, apathetic, cynical, atomized public.”

Starkey went on to describe the many highly-educated timber professionals, from  contractors to GIS specialists. And explained that the industry requires a serious head for business, and a pocketbook to match. “A single logging unit may have a $4 million investment with a $5,500 a day operating cost to manage,” he wrote.  (To read the entire article, just click HERE.)

I’m sure many of you have come across individuals who still have the “dumb logger” mentality. What has been your response? We would love to hear.