BBQ at the PLC

Grilled porkPlanning is underway for the 7th Pacific Logging Congress in the Woods Show, September 25-27, 2014.

Looking at state-of-the-art machinery all day can work up an appetite. Enjoy socializing with your fellow loggers at hospitality events, including the Friday evening ‘Loggers Barbecue’.

This year the event will be held at the Port Blakely Trees Farms, near Mollala, Ore. Register now and join the festivities.

Earn Pro Logger Credit at PLC

working in the woodsYour company will earn 1 Pro Logger credit just by attending the Pacific Logging Congress in the Woods Show. held September 25-27. Yes, it’s that easy!

You can also earn more credits on Friday when you attend seminars presented by manufacturers and dealers. Each seminar qualifies for one Pro Logger credit — just sign in at end of seminar.

If you haven’t had a chance to register for the PLC In the Woods Show, you can do that online now. Just click HERE.

We’ll see you at the show.

You Can Pre-Register for the PLC In the Woods Show

RegistrationIf you want to compare the latest technology in logging equipment on the market today, the Pacific Logging Congress’s 7th in the Woods Show is the place to do it.

This show is actual logging operations on Port Blakely Tree Farm near Molalla, Ore. You will see major manufacturers operating next to each other.

Pre-register and your show tickets will be mailed to you. Simply drive to the show-parking site, get on the bus for a 20 minute ride to the demo site. Present your ticket at the main gate, you will find active, static, booth exhibits, food concessions and rest areas all in one location. Show ticket and parking site directions will be mailed to you.

Click HERE for your pre-registration form.


OFRI Newsletter – another way to keep posted on the PLC event

OFRIA great way to stay up-to-date on the upcoming Pacific Logging Congress In the Woods Show (September 25-27, 2014) is to sign up for the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) newsletter. 

If you haven’t been to the OFRI website, you should check it out. It’s filled with news, educational info, pictures, stories, events and more.

OFRI is a centralized gateway to shared ideas and collaborative dialogue regarding the delicate balance between the environmental, social and economic values provided by our forests. OFRI is funded by a dedicated harvest tax on producers of forest products.

We’ll see you in September!





No Room for Dumb Logger Mentality

Cool Bay Logger, Tony Meline

Cool Bay Logger, Tony Meline

Scott Starkey of Coos Bay recently wrote a great letter to the editor. He was responding to an earlier letter that read:

Oregon’s South Coast economy has been based on ‘extraction’ of natural resources; there has been no need for more than a high school education (if that) in order to make a reasonable living. Those days are over, but developing an intelligence based alternative has never materialized. The result is a broadly ignorant, apathetic, cynical, atomized public.”

Starkey went on to describe the many highly-educated timber professionals, from  contractors to GIS specialists. And explained that the industry requires a serious head for business, and a pocketbook to match. “A single logging unit may have a $4 million investment with a $5,500 a day operating cost to manage,” he wrote.  (To read the entire article, just click HERE.)

I’m sure many of you have come across individuals who still have the “dumb logger” mentality. What has been your response? We would love to hear.


Applications for PLC education field trips are now available

PLC In the WoodsThe Pacific Logging Congress’s 7th “In the Woods Show” is happening September 25-27, 2014, at the Port Blakely Tree Farms in Molalla, Ore.

A big part of the event is always been educating youth. The year the “In the Woods” education days will be held September 25 and 26.

Guided Groups
Professional foresters will guide each group. Students will participate in hands-on activities that tie in with STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. They will see innovative tree harvesting technology, learn how today’s practices protect habitat and water quality for fish and wildlife, and be exposed to an array of forest-related careers.

Classroom materials are provided for teachers, and reimbursement for buses to and from your school is available.

The event is fully insured and free of charge. It runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day, and each group will need two to three hours for the tour. Hard hats will be provided for every student. 

Space is Limited
If you are interested in getting your students, involved, just click HERE. 

Space is limited, so sign up today!